
Book 1A Unit 1 Lesson 2

2023-08-24 17:15:01教案设计

Book 1A Unit 1 Lesson 2

teaching aims :
(1)the ss can hear ,say  and  read the vocabulary:eye ,book ,the plural form of eye and the verb : open ,read.
(2)the ss can use the sentenses:open  your eyes.read the bood.
(3)the ss can sing the song .
(4)to train the ss’s ability of hear,say and read.and the interesting of luaguage study.
(5)to train the ss chris their parts of  body.
main points:
   the ss can hear ,say  and  read the vocabulary:eye ,book ,the plural form of eye and the verb : open ,read.
difficult points:
the plural form of eye,  the pronuciation  of  read,  listen and number.sing the song.
teaching  methods:
comunication,tpr,reseach .
teaching materials:
cai ,word cards.
use modelled phrases to communicate with other learners.
teathing procedure:
step ⅰ  warm up
2.sing the song  :《touch your ears》
flash cards: ear, ears ,nose ,touch your nose .touch your ears.
stepⅱ preparation
(1)teach “eye,eyes”
 t: what’s this ?
ss: eye.
t: show me your finger please.”touch your eye.”excheng touch your right
eye, touch your lefe right.
t:what are they?
ss: eyes.
practice:  i say ,you do.
touch your ….
(2)teach “open your eyes.”
today ,i have a present for somebody,please close your eyes.(do the action)
now ,open your eyes.
open your eyes.
open your book.
read the book.
read: take attation to this pronuncation /r/
step ⅲ practice
(1)read this words one by one.
(2)game :hight and low voice.
(4)   work in pairs. ask the ss to do the actions in pairs. one student give a command, the other student does the action, then change the roles. finally, get some individual ss to order in the front.play the tape for the ss to listen and repeat.
step ⅳ  consolidation
(1) listen and draw.get the ss to draw on the board. t  draws an eye on  the face,invite 3 student to finish drawing.
(2)listen to the tape .
(3)listen and number.
(4)sing the song .
step ⅴhomework