
牛津英语1B Unit 8 Dinner(oxford 1B)教案

2023-08-24 12:27:01教案设计

牛津英语1B Unit 8 Dinner(oxford 1B)教案


language focus:  using imferatives to give simple instructions.
eg. drink some juice.
listening:       locate specific information in response to insturctions
speaking:       use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners.      
materials:       word and picture cards 1b
teaching ladders:
ⅰ.  warming up
1. greeting
2. train
do you like sweets?
ⅱ.  pre-task preparation
1. play a game.
picture & word.
match them.
coke, cake, jelly
ice-cream, milk, sweet.
2. put up the cards on the board.
ask the class to read.    
   ⅲ.  while-task procedure
1. ask one student come to the front.
t:drink some juice.
2. do the action: drink.
3. show students some jelly
t:what is it?
   eat some jelly.
t:ask individaal students to taste it.
4. t:what’s the difference between “drink” “eat”
      (let the students to answer)
5. show the picture.
t:eat some meat.
6. t:open your books.
       listen carefully.
7. ask pairs of student’s to rdeplay to two commands. 
ⅳ.  post-task activities
     act & say,
     “drink” “ect”

let’s talk
language focus: 
1. ask yes/no questions to find out people’s preperences
eg. do you like fish?
2. using formulaic expressions to compirm or deny.
  eg.yes, i like fish.
speaking:      1. use modeled sentences to communicate with other leamers.
         2. maintain and interaction by prociding information in response to faonal questions
materials:        wallcharts 1b.
teaching ladders:
ⅰ.  warming up
1. greeting
2. train
eat some meat
drink some tea
ⅱ.  pre-task preparation
1. put up the picture cards from unit 7~8.
t:who come to the fromt.
   select one.
2. hold up the picture for “meat”
t:do you like meat.
s:yes, i like meat.
   no, i don’t like meat.
3. repeat step s with the other picture cards form unit 7       4页,当前第11234
