
1A Unit 7 Period 2

2023-08-24 11:51:02教案设计

1A Unit 7 Period 2

teaching contents:
 pattern: touch your …
teaching aims:
 a. to understand the imperative sentence: touch your …
    and can make correct actions according to the imperative sentence listened.
 b. ss can use the imperative sentence: touch your … to indicate others to finish the specific actions pay attention to the pornunciation and the intonation.
 c. raise ss interest of learning english.
key points and difficulty:
 teaching aims a, b.
teaching aids:
 pictures (eye, ear, nose, mouth)
 teaching picture (part a)
 word cards (eye, ear, nose, mouth, a, an, your, my, touch, follow me)
 recorder, tape
teaching procedure:
 step 1. warm up
  1. greetings
  2. free talk.
     hello/hi, .
     hello/hi, i'm .
     good morning/afternoon, .
     is this a …?
     what's this? (review the words learnt last lesson)
 step 2. presentation
  1. teach the new sentence: follow me.
   a. t: do you like p.e. ?
      ss: yes.
      t: what do you do in p.e. lesson?
      ss: …
      t: you will follow the p.e. teacher.
         today, we will learn unit 7. follow me.
   b. teach the pronunciation
      follow /'fɔləu/   me /mi:/
   c. drills: group work -- drive trains -- pair work
   d. clap: follow me, 跟我做!
   e. t: now, follow me, please. stand up.
      ss stand up.
      t: follow me, sit down.
      ss sit down.
   f. ss act as p.e. teacher to say orders
      ss: follow me. sit down/stand up/…
  2. teach the new sentence pattern: touch your …
   a. t show the teaching picture (part a).
      t: great! now, su hai and mike are having a p.e. lesson.
         what are they doing? please listen!
      recorder play: touch your nose.
                     touch your eye.
      t: what are they doing? what do they mean?
   b. teach the pronunciation.
      touch /tʌtʃ/   your /jɔ:/   my /mai/2页,当前第112